G20 Interfaith Forum

New Delhi, India 2023

G20 Interfaith Forum

Abu Dhabi, UAE 2022

G20 Interfaith Forum

Bologna, Italy 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2020

G20 Interfaith Forum

Tokyo, Japan 2019

G20 Interfaith Forum

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2018

G20 Interfaith Forum

Potsdam, Germany 2017

G20 Interfaith Forum

Beijing, China 2016

G20 Interfaith Forum

Istanbul, Turkey 2015

G20 Interfaith Forum

Gold Coast, Australia 2014

G20 Interfaith Forum

Indigenous populations worldwide are threatened by commercial development, disease, and deforestation. Caring for their lives and rights is critical. In many places, indigenous communities are the custodians of the land and resources, and stewards of the traditions and spiritual life of ancient cultures—they are a part of the natural eco-system and irreplaceable members of our global community.

Faith-Based Insights for the Global Agenda

The annual G20 Summits are a critical time and place where priority global issues are considered by world leaders. The G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) is a platform where religiously linked institutions and initiatives engage on global agendas and annually present ideas and recommendations to G20 Summit leaders. IF20’s goal is to contribute meaningful insight and recommendations that help shape the G20 and thus global policy agendas.

Key Partners for the 2021 G20 Interfaith Forum in Italy

Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

Dr. David C. Korten, founder and president of the Living Economies Forum, is known for his best-selling books framing a new economy; and the principles he has proposed for the restructuring of economic institutions and relationships. He devotes his life to advancing the global transition now underway to a living Earth economy organized around deeply democratic self-governing living communities in which people work in co-productive partnership with the rest of nature to meet the needs of all.

Anti-Racism Initiative

The G20 Interfaith Forum’s Anti-Racism Initiative continuously develops sensitivity to racism within the scope of the IF20; to discern and to name the presence of racism as an issue for the IF20 and the G20; and to advise the IF20 Working Groups on racial discrimination and inequity as applicable to their work. The Anti-Racism Initiative works towards the eradication of racism as a standing item for both the IF20 and the G20 agendas; and towards advancing the goal of racial equality and equity by every means available.

November 26, 2024

Cultural Revitalization and Indigenization

The revitalization of Indigenous culture is testimony to resilience and perseverance. Indigenous Peoples are affirming their rights to self-determination and cultural expression and reclaiming their sovereignty and agency in the face of historical injustices.

November 21, 2024

Indigenous Peoples Building Climate Resilience

Christopher Peters

Indigenous Peoples are building climate resilience for their own communities and creating models of environmental sustainability for the world, calling on traditional practices and sacred knowledge in the fight against climate change.

November 14, 2024

Indigenous Women Thriving

Indigenous women, the custodians of cultural wisdom, family structure, and traditional practices, have been victims of discrimination and violence, but they are redefining their roles as community leaders and protectors of the environment, reclaiming the rights, respect, and representation they deserve.

November 7, 2024

Protecting the Sacred Sites of the Indigenous Peoples

Christopher Peters

Sacred sites and places hold deep cultural and spiritual significance, serving as vital links between Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and heritage. But without proper recognition and policies to protect them, some of these sacred sites are vulnerable.

November 1, 2024

Restorative Justice: Reclaiming the Klamath River for Indigenous Peoples

Christopher Peters

The removal of the Klamath River dams, the result of a decades-long Tribally-led campaign, is restoring the natural river flow, fish populations, and Indigenous spiritual and cultural practices associated with the river. Traditional food sources and sacred sites, negatively impacted for almost a hundred years, are being revitalized by this landmark effort.

October 17, 2024

Resilience and Revitalization: Unveiling the Impact of Colonization on Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

On Indigenous Peoples' Day 2024, we honored the past and present, envisioning a future where Indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions thrive; and gathered in support Indigenous-led efforts toward healing, justice, and revitalization.

July 29, 2024

Preventing Modern Slavery - Future Policy and Practice Challenges

The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation is a co-host for a G20 Interfaith Forum webinar, "Preventing Modern Slaver - Future Policy and Practice Challenges."

June 27, 2024

TOWARDS INDIGENOUS SOVEREIGNTY: Exploring Rights and Solidarity in Self-Governing Territories

Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation co-sponsored a webinar titled, “TOWARDS INDIGENOUS SOVEREIGNTY: Exploring Rights and Solidarity in Self-Governing Territories” that shared perspectives on what can and must be done to support Indigenous Peoples in a world that cries out for their loving, respectful view of our shared home, Planet Earth.

May 9, 2024

Sacred Values and Traditional Wisdom of the Indigenous Peoples

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer

The sacred values and traditional wisdom of Indigenous Peoples may be the key to the renewal of our planet. A panel of experts participated in a broad-ranging discussion of how Indigenous values and wisdom can help address the consequences of climate change and lead us toward a sustainable future for all.

March 21, 2024

What is Gender Equality?

Audrey E. Kitagawa

The G20 Interfaith Forum Gender Equality Working Group and Anti-Racism Initiative co-hosted a webinar on gender perspectives and awareness featuring Roshan Dalvi, Tadia RIce, and Harish Sadani. Audrey Kitagawa moderated the discussion, which asked the question, “What is Gender Equality?”

February 8, 2024

Ubuntu: Traditional Southern African Philosophy

The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum will hosted a webinar on Ubuntu: Traditional Southern African Philosophy

August 10, 2023

Providing Refuge for Climate Refugees in International Law

Climate Refugees are forced to migrate when climate change renders their homelands uninhabitable, and they may become “stateless” if their country ceases to exist. But there is no treaty protecting them, and international law has not established responsibility. The G20 Interfaith Forum and co-sponsors Purdue University and the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation hosted a discussion of this urgent and growing issue.

June 8, 2023

Manifestation of Neo-Colonialism: The Case of Cacao and the Dark Secret of Chocolate

Examining the manifestations of neo-colonialism in the cacao and chocolate trade, including child labor, slavery, and other human rights violations.

May 30, 2023

Spirited Seas: Science and Spirituality, an interfaith exploration of the environmental consequences of Deep Seabed Mining

The G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative presents a webinar – Spirited Seas: Science and Spirituality, an interfaith exploration of the environmental consequences of Deep Seabed Mining

April 27, 2023

The 1896 Battle of Adwa, Ethiopia – Insights on Africa's Contemporary Challenges

Lessons to be learned from the historic Battle of Adwa which resulted in victory over Italy and the sovereignty of Ethiopia, the only African country not colonized by a European power.

April 20, 2023

Premiere Showing – TIME OF PROPHECY: Walking in the Prayers of Our Ancestors

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

The premiere of "TIME OF PROPHECY – Walking in the Prayers of our Ancestors" was held on April 20, 2023 in conjunction with the 22nd session of the United Nations Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues.

March 16, 2023

TIME OF PROPHECY: Walking in the Prayers of Our Ancestors

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

An exclusive preview showing of a new film in advance of its premiere at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in April

February 23, 2023

RELIGICIDE: Examining Religious, Ethnic, and Racial Violence

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

A conversation with the authors of “Religicide: Confronting the Roots of Anti-Religious Violence," an insightful book that defines a new category of human suffering and the destruction of religion, its followers, and their traditions.

September 15, 2022

Hinduism and Discriminatory Experiences

The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum hosted a webinar on Hinduism and Discriminatory Experience on Thursday September 15, 2022.

June 16, 2022

Islamophobia - Blog

On Monday, June 13th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held its fifth webinar of 2022, organized by its Anti-Racism Initiative and co-sponsored by the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation.

June 9, 2022


The G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative presented a webinar on June 13, 2022 featuring a panel of experts who shared their perspectives on Islamophobia.

June 7, 2022

FIDELA, The Second Interreligious Forum of the Americas

Fidela took place in Los Angeles, California on June 6th and 7th, 2022 and brought together religious leaders, representatives of faith based organizations, academics and government officials to discuss practical recommendations to the Heads of State and government who will meet at the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The goal was to better contribute to better implementation and follow up of their commitments..

May 9, 2022


SUMMARY: The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation was honored to co-sponsor the G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative webinar on Antisemitism. The webinar: 1) discussed the origins and evolutionary expressions of antisemitism, 2) articulated antisemitism as part of the human community’s propensity to divide human beings from one another, 3) discussed the IHRA definition of antisemitism to determine its suitability for adoption by the G20 Interfaith Forum, and for promotion of the definition by the IF20 to the G20 itself.

March 24, 2022

Education for Assimilation: The Lasting Consequences of Indian Boarding Schools in Canada and the United States

The G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative presented a webinar to discuss the continued struggle of Indigenous Peoples to overcome the institutional racism embedded within the educational systems of the United States and Canada; and pathways nations can take to repair relations between government-sanctioned educational institutions and Indigenous populations living within their borders. The panel opened a conversation about actions religious organizations can take to develop educational institutions that embrace healing and well-being rooted in faith, while demonstrating a respect of Indigenous cultures and spiritual traditions.

February 16, 2022

Ecological Racism and Deep-Sea Mining in the Pacific

Reverend Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai

The G20 Interfaith Forum presented a webinar “Ecological Racism and Deep Sea Mining in the Pacific” on Feb 17, 2022. The event was presented in “Talanoa” format (a traditional Fijian process of inclusive and transparent dialogue) and was moderated by Rev. Dr Upolu Luma Vaai and Dr Athena Peralta. Panelists included His Eminence Sir John Cardinal Ribat, Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Dr. Catherine Coumans, Kristina M. Gjerde, J.D. and Maureen Penjueli.

January 20, 2022

Racism In The Media — Manufacturing Hate

G20 Interfaith Forum

"Racism could not be woven into the fabric of the whole ecosystem of dominant worldviews without the complicity of the media and media constructed and supposed ideals models. Though appearing benign in the context of general information sharing, news and medias outlets have not been neutral when it comes to picturing role models."

January 20, 2022

Racism in the Media - Manufacturing Hate Summary

On Thursday, January 20th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held its first webinar of 2022, organized by the Anti-Racism Initiative and co-sponsored by the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation. Panelists included Milton Allimadi, Assistant Professor of Journalism at Columbia University and Publisher of blackstarnews.com; Keisha Bush, Writer and Artist, and Author of “No Heaven for Good Boys”; Ben Dotsei Malor, Chief Editor of UN News at the UN Headquarters in New York; and Nisrin Elamin, Assistant Professor of International Studies at Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, moderated the discussion.

September 13, 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum 2021 - Racism: Religious Leadership Towards Reconciliation

A central ethical challenge that colors all issues is the pervasive impact of racist ideologies and behaviors: racism had and still has support in supremacist religious ideologies which are not less dangerous than other types of terrorism and which need to be isolated in new forms of discourse and disputes. The central questions that the Forum addresses are how the G20 might formulate a message with architects of religious public discourse (local authorities, bodies, theologians, actors) that urge new and meaningful commitments to effective action.

August 30, 2021

Black Lives Matter: Structural Racism, Bigotry, and Inclusion: Post Event Summary

On Thursday, August 26th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held a fourth webinar organized by the Anti-Racism Initiative, co-sponsored by the University of Winnipeg; the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation; and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).

August 26, 2021

Black Lives Matter: Structural Racism, Bigotry; and Inclusion

Racism, in its many expressions including multiple practices of discrimination, is globally ubiquitous and seemingly intractable. While we recognize the day-to-day impact of individual acts of racism, human rights advocacy offers a potential to engage structural and systemic racism with a view to bold action.

August 1, 2021

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders: Systemic Racial Challenges: Post Event Summary

On Thursday, July 29th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held a third webinar organized by the Anti-Racism Initiative, co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown University; the World Faiths Development Dialogue; the International Academy for Multiculteral Cooperation; and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).

July 29, 2021

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders: Systemic Racial Challenges

Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer
Reverend Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai
Audrey E. Kitagawa

Indigenous Native Hawaiians and Pacific Island (NHPI) communities are faced with unique challenges. In the Pacific islands and other coastal communities, climate change threatens the land, food security, and delicate eco-systems. Systemic barriers to equity, justice, and opportunity have compromised NHPI families and communities, limiting opportunities and threatening their safety.

Press Release
July 27, 2021

Prominent Leaders Discuss Systemic Racial Challenges Facing Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum, the world’s leading organization focused on the intersection of faith and policy, is gathering experts from government and civil society to discuss systemic racial challenges faced by Native Hawaiian and Pacific Island (NHPI) communities at an upcoming webinar. Krystal Ka’ai, who leads the White House’s initiative on NHPI communities, said the issue is an especially timely and critical one.

June 10, 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative “Responses to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes”

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

A research report by the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University San Bernardino (4/28/21) found that hate crimes targeting Asians increased 169% (223% in New York City alone) just from the first quarter of 2021 (to the same time period in 2020), across 15 major cities. While hate crimes have increased during the pandemic and socio-political unrest of the past year, the crimes targeting Asians have seen an explosive increase, and a timely discussion is in order.

June 10, 2021

G20 IFF Responses to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Webinar (Webinar Proceedings)

“Responses to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes” webinar hosted by G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative, co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown University; the World Faiths Development Dialogue; the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation; and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).”

Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

Jonathan Granoff, J.D. is an attorney, author and international advocate who has focused for many years on the legal and ethical dimensions of human development and security, with a specific focus on advancing the rule of law to address international security and the threats posed by nuclear weapons.

Gender Equality

The G20 Interfaith Forum’s Gender Equality Working Group focuses on the rights and concerns of women. Half the world’s population is women, and they will be the agents for transformation in the world as they assume their proper place in all human institutions. Finding an equitable balance of power between men and women by encouraging the participation of women at all levels of society—government, religion, civil society, corporations, community, and family—will manifest in far-reaching ways, benefitting governments, societies, and economies, and helping to resolve the world’s challenges.

March 21, 2024

What is Gender Equality?

Audrey E. Kitagawa

The G20 Interfaith Forum Gender Equality Working Group and Anti-Racism Initiative co-hosted a webinar on gender perspectives and awareness featuring Roshan Dalvi, Tadia RIce, and Harish Sadani. Audrey Kitagawa moderated the discussion, which asked the question, “What is Gender Equality?”

June 7, 2022

FIDELA, The Second Interreligious Forum of the Americas

Fidela took place in Los Angeles, California on June 6th and 7th, 2022 and brought together religious leaders, representatives of faith based organizations, academics and government officials to discuss practical recommendations to the Heads of State and government who will meet at the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The goal was to better contribute to better implementation and follow up of their commitments..

September 14, 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum 2021 - Gender Equality: Religious Denial and Religious Support

Women theologians from different religious traditions are propelling a questioning of patriarchal traditions but political and social tensions still surround gender and sexuality in many settings, with a focus on reproductive health and peace building. New light and challenges have emerged during COVID-19 emergencies, exemplified and rising levels of domestic violence and varying religious responses to it the central question that the forum addresses are how gender issues might offer a common ground for their dialogue and how scholarship on rights can produce effective actions to tackle the issue.

August 17, 2021

Gender Equality Episode 3 - Made in the Image of God: The Role of Sacred Texts in Helping or Hindering Gender Equality

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Prof. Dr. Azza Karam
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Ph. D.

Gender Equality Episode 3 - Made in the Image of God: The Role of Sacred Texts in Helping or Hindering Gender Equality

August 14, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Prominent Religious Leaders and Women’s Rights Advocates Discuss Scriptures' Influence on Gender Equality

PROVO, UT, USA, August 14, 2021, The G20 Interfaith Forum, the world’s leading organization focused on the intersection of faith and policy, is gathering experts from the religious, human rights, and peace building sectors to discuss how sacred texts can both hurt and help women.

July 30, 2021

Policy, Gender, and Religion: Their Intersectionality: Summary from the G20 IFF Gender Equality Episode 2

Dimitra Missira, Key Expert of the Gender Equality Working Group for the G20 Interfaith Forum, opened the webinar by welcoming all participants and attendees and emphasizing the importance of the discussion topic, which was the intersectionality of policy, gender, and religion. “Even though the past decades have given rise to new global politics of gender equality and we have seen significant increases in women’s representation at different levels, gender divisions of power have not relented. Forty years after the adoption of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, we witness that women’s rights are being eroded…The focus of this event is on women, but more than the focus on women is the celebration of their voices and their power through a women dominated panel.”

July 27, 2021

Gender Equality Episode 2: Intersectionality of Policy, Gender, and Religion

Gender Equality Episode 2: Intersectionality of Policy, Gender, and Religion

July 1, 2021

Gender Equality Episode 1: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Ph.D.

"Covid has been a global catastrophe, wreaking havoc upon our economies, infrastructure, health, education and every thread of the tapestry of our lives. The impact upon women is especially profound as they are so frequently the caretakers, homemakers, health care workers and the ones playing such multifaceted roles in both families and communities. As we plan and implement the rebuilding of our community structures, we must do so with deep awareness of and attention to revitalizing our commitments and engagement around gender equality and ending violence against women." ~Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

April 27, 2021

Power Dynamics In The Perpetuation of Gender Inequality

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D., President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation and member of the G20 Interfaith Forum Gender Equality Working Group discusses the power dynamics of relationships, which can be used negatively or positively to determine the nature of human interactions.

Faith-Based Insights for the Global Agenda

The annual G20 Summits are a critical time and place where priority global issues are considered by world leaders. The G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) is a platform where religiously linked institutions and initiatives engage on global agendas and annually present ideas and recommendations to G20 Summit leaders. IF20’s goal is to contribute meaningful insight and recommendations that help shape the G20 and thus global policy agendas.

Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

The G20 Interfaith Forum builds on the vital roles that religious institutions and beliefs play in world affairs, reflecting the rich diversity of institutions, ideas, and values. The Forum includes international opinion leaders and global interfaith activists, and showcases the broad, global impact of faith traditions and philosophies from around the world. The IF20 Working Groups focus on areas of relevance throughout the year and produce annual Policy Briefs for consideration by the G20. 

February 13, 2025

Ukraine and Russia: The Increased Nuclear Threat in These Uncertain Times

"Ukraine and Russia: The Increased Nuclear Threat in These Uncertain Times" This webinar examined how the nuclear threat in the Ukraine-Russia conflict could be minimized or eliminated, and delve into the lessons learned from the history of diplomacy and nuclear negotiations to help us understand how to avoid the nuclear abyss.

November 26, 2024

Cultural Revitalization and Indigenization

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The revitalization of Indigenous culture is testimony to resilience and perseverance. Indigenous Peoples are affirming their rights to self-determination and cultural expression and reclaiming their sovereignty and agency in the face of historical injustices.

November 21, 2024

Indigenous Peoples Building Climate Resilience

Christopher Peters

Indigenous Peoples are building climate resilience for their own communities and creating models of environmental sustainability for the world, calling on traditional practices and sacred knowledge in the fight against climate change.

November 14, 2024

Indigenous Women Thriving

No items found.

Indigenous women, the custodians of cultural wisdom, family structure, and traditional practices, have been victims of discrimination and violence, but they are redefining their roles as community leaders and protectors of the environment, reclaiming the rights, respect, and representation they deserve.

November 7, 2024

Protecting the Sacred Sites of the Indigenous Peoples

Christopher Peters

Sacred sites and places hold deep cultural and spiritual significance, serving as vital links between Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and heritage. But without proper recognition and policies to protect them, some of these sacred sites are vulnerable.

November 1, 2024

Restorative Justice: Reclaiming the Klamath River for Indigenous Peoples

Christopher Peters

The removal of the Klamath River dams, the result of a decades-long Tribally-led campaign, is restoring the natural river flow, fish populations, and Indigenous spiritual and cultural practices associated with the river. Traditional food sources and sacred sites, negatively impacted for almost a hundred years, are being revitalized by this landmark effort.

October 17, 2024

Resilience and Revitalization: Unveiling the Impact of Colonization on Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

On Indigenous Peoples' Day 2024, we honored the past and present, envisioning a future where Indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions thrive; and gathered in support Indigenous-led efforts toward healing, justice, and revitalization.

August 19, 2024

The 2024 G20 Interfaith Forum and PaRD Annual Forum on Religion and Sustainable Development

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

The 2024 G20 Interfaith Forum and PaRD Annual Forum on Religion and Sustainable Development, titled, “Leave No One Behind: The Well-being of the Planet and its People,” was held in Brasília, Brazil on August 19-22, 2024.

July 29, 2024

Preventing Modern Slavery - Future Policy and Practice Challenges

The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation is a co-host for a G20 Interfaith Forum webinar, "Preventing Modern Slaver - Future Policy and Practice Challenges."

June 27, 2024

TOWARDS INDIGENOUS SOVEREIGNTY: Exploring Rights and Solidarity in Self-Governing Territories

Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation co-sponsored a webinar titled, “TOWARDS INDIGENOUS SOVEREIGNTY: Exploring Rights and Solidarity in Self-Governing Territories” that shared perspectives on what can and must be done to support Indigenous Peoples in a world that cries out for their loving, respectful view of our shared home, Planet Earth.

May 9, 2024

Sacred Values and Traditional Wisdom of the Indigenous Peoples

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer

The sacred values and traditional wisdom of Indigenous Peoples may be the key to the renewal of our planet. A panel of experts participated in a broad-ranging discussion of how Indigenous values and wisdom can help address the consequences of climate change and lead us toward a sustainable future for all.

March 21, 2024

What is Gender Equality?

Audrey E. Kitagawa

The G20 Interfaith Forum Gender Equality Working Group and Anti-Racism Initiative co-hosted a webinar on gender perspectives and awareness featuring Roshan Dalvi, Tadia RIce, and Harish Sadani. Audrey Kitagawa moderated the discussion, which asked the question, “What is Gender Equality?”

February 8, 2024

Ubuntu: Traditional Southern African Philosophy

The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum will hosted a webinar on Ubuntu: Traditional Southern African Philosophy

August 10, 2023

Providing Refuge for Climate Refugees in International Law

Climate Refugees are forced to migrate when climate change renders their homelands uninhabitable, and they may become “stateless” if their country ceases to exist. But there is no treaty protecting them, and international law has not established responsibility. The G20 Interfaith Forum and co-sponsors Purdue University and the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation hosted a discussion of this urgent and growing issue.

June 8, 2023

Manifestation of Neo-Colonialism: The Case of Cacao and the Dark Secret of Chocolate

Examining the manifestations of neo-colonialism in the cacao and chocolate trade, including child labor, slavery, and other human rights violations.

May 30, 2023

Spirited Seas: Science and Spirituality, an interfaith exploration of the environmental consequences of Deep Seabed Mining

The G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative presents a webinar – Spirited Seas: Science and Spirituality, an interfaith exploration of the environmental consequences of Deep Seabed Mining

April 27, 2023

The 1896 Battle of Adwa, Ethiopia – Insights on Africa's Contemporary Challenges

No items found.

Lessons to be learned from the historic Battle of Adwa which resulted in victory over Italy and the sovereignty of Ethiopia, the only African country not colonized by a European power.

April 20, 2023

Premiere Showing – TIME OF PROPHECY: Walking in the Prayers of Our Ancestors

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

The premiere of "TIME OF PROPHECY – Walking in the Prayers of our Ancestors" was held on April 20, 2023 in conjunction with the 22nd session of the United Nations Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues.

View GalleryView Gallery
March 16, 2023

TIME OF PROPHECY: Walking in the Prayers of Our Ancestors

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Christopher Peters (Puhlik-lah/Karuk)

An exclusive preview showing of a new film in advance of its premiere at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in April

February 23, 2023

RELIGICIDE: Examining Religious, Ethnic, and Racial Violence

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

A conversation with the authors of “Religicide: Confronting the Roots of Anti-Religious Violence," an insightful book that defines a new category of human suffering and the destruction of religion, its followers, and their traditions.

December 12, 2022

Engaging Faith Communities: G20 Agendas and Beyond

G20 Interfaith Forum
Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

The G20 Interfaith Forum Association and the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities jointly organized a forum on “Engaging Faith Communities: G20 Agendas and Beyond”, on the 12th/13th December in Abu Dhabi.

September 15, 2022

Hinduism and Discriminatory Experiences

The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum hosted a webinar on Hinduism and Discriminatory Experience on Thursday September 15, 2022.

Events and Newsletters
August 12, 2022

August 12, 2022 Newsletter

The G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) August 12, 2022 Newsletter features videos, interviews, and other information from the IRF Summit, the FIDELA Conference, and other recent IF20 events.

Read on External WebsiteRead on External Website
Events and Newsletters
August 1, 2022

August 2022 Newsletter

The G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) August 2022 Newsletter features videos, interviews, photographs, and other information from The Second Interreligious Forum of the Americas (FIDELA) held in Los Angeles in June 2022.

Read on External WebsiteRead on External Website
Events and Newsletters
July 1, 2022

July 2022 Newsletter

The G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20) July 2022 Newsletter includes links to videos, interviews, photographs, and other information about the IF20 Conference held in Baku, Azerbaijan in May 2022.

Read on External WebsiteRead on External Website
June 28, 2022

IRF Summit 2022

The G20 Interfaith Forum hosted the 2022 IRF Summit on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 – “Addressing FoRB Concerns at the G20 Level" – a panel discussion about Freedom of Religion and Belief.

Watch on External WebsiteWatch on External Website
June 27, 2022

What the Pope's Visit to Canada Means for Indigenous Residential School Survivors

On June 27, 2022, in advance of Pope Francis’ July 24, 2022 visit to Canada to apologize for the abuse suffered by Indigenous Peoples, the G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative hosted a webinar to discuss the meaning of the Pope’s visit for Indigenous Residential School Survivors.

Watch on External WebsiteWatch on External Website
June 21, 2022

IF20: European Policy Conversations of Religion and Sustainable Development

G20 Interfaith Forum

IF20: European Policy Conversations of Religion and Sustainable Development

Watch on External WebsiteWatch on External Website
June 16, 2022

Islamophobia - Blog

On Monday, June 13th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held its fifth webinar of 2022, organized by its Anti-Racism Initiative and co-sponsored by the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation.

Read on External WebsiteRead on External Website
June 9, 2022


The G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative presented a webinar on June 13, 2022 featuring a panel of experts who shared their perspectives on Islamophobia.

Watch on External WebsiteWatch on External Website
June 7, 2022

FIDELA, The Second Interreligious Forum of the Americas

Fidela took place in Los Angeles, California on June 6th and 7th, 2022 and brought together religious leaders, representatives of faith based organizations, academics and government officials to discuss practical recommendations to the Heads of State and government who will meet at the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The goal was to better contribute to better implementation and follow up of their commitments..

Watch on External WebsiteWatch on External Website
May 19, 2022

Multicultural Perspectives On The Forefront Of Global Issues

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

The G20 Interfaith Forum held its 2022 Pre-Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 19, 2022. The meeting featured focused discussion panels on 1) “The Role of Religion in Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Stability,” 2) “Tolerance and Multiculturalism: Regional and Religious Perspectives,” and 3) “Regional Perspectives on the Role of Religion in Dealing with COVID”.

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May 9, 2022


SUMMARY: The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation was honored to co-sponsor the G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative webinar on Antisemitism. The webinar: 1) discussed the origins and evolutionary expressions of antisemitism, 2) articulated antisemitism as part of the human community’s propensity to divide human beings from one another, 3) discussed the IHRA definition of antisemitism to determine its suitability for adoption by the G20 Interfaith Forum, and for promotion of the definition by the IF20 to the G20 itself.

March 24, 2022

Education for Assimilation: The Lasting Consequences of Indian Boarding Schools in Canada and the United States

The G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative presented a webinar to discuss the continued struggle of Indigenous Peoples to overcome the institutional racism embedded within the educational systems of the United States and Canada; and pathways nations can take to repair relations between government-sanctioned educational institutions and Indigenous populations living within their borders. The panel opened a conversation about actions religious organizations can take to develop educational institutions that embrace healing and well-being rooted in faith, while demonstrating a respect of Indigenous cultures and spiritual traditions.

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February 16, 2022

Ecological Racism and Deep-Sea Mining in the Pacific

Reverend Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai

The G20 Interfaith Forum presented a webinar “Ecological Racism and Deep Sea Mining in the Pacific” on Feb 17, 2022. The event was presented in “Talanoa” format (a traditional Fijian process of inclusive and transparent dialogue) and was moderated by Rev. Dr Upolu Luma Vaai and Dr Athena Peralta. Panelists included His Eminence Sir John Cardinal Ribat, Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Dr. Catherine Coumans, Kristina M. Gjerde, J.D. and Maureen Penjueli.

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January 20, 2022

Racism In The Media — Manufacturing Hate

G20 Interfaith Forum

"Racism could not be woven into the fabric of the whole ecosystem of dominant worldviews without the complicity of the media and media constructed and supposed ideals models. Though appearing benign in the context of general information sharing, news and medias outlets have not been neutral when it comes to picturing role models."

January 20, 2022

Racism in the Media - Manufacturing Hate Summary

On Thursday, January 20th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held its first webinar of 2022, organized by the Anti-Racism Initiative and co-sponsored by the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation. Panelists included Milton Allimadi, Assistant Professor of Journalism at Columbia University and Publisher of blackstarnews.com; Keisha Bush, Writer and Artist, and Author of “No Heaven for Good Boys”; Ben Dotsei Malor, Chief Editor of UN News at the UN Headquarters in New York; and Nisrin Elamin, Assistant Professor of International Studies at Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, moderated the discussion.

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September 14, 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum 2021 - Gender Equality: Religious Denial and Religious Support

Women theologians from different religious traditions are propelling a questioning of patriarchal traditions but political and social tensions still surround gender and sexuality in many settings, with a focus on reproductive health and peace building. New light and challenges have emerged during COVID-19 emergencies, exemplified and rising levels of domestic violence and varying religious responses to it the central question that the forum addresses are how gender issues might offer a common ground for their dialogue and how scholarship on rights can produce effective actions to tackle the issue.

September 13, 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum 2021 - Racism: Religious Leadership Towards Reconciliation

A central ethical challenge that colors all issues is the pervasive impact of racist ideologies and behaviors: racism had and still has support in supremacist religious ideologies which are not less dangerous than other types of terrorism and which need to be isolated in new forms of discourse and disputes. The central questions that the Forum addresses are how the G20 might formulate a message with architects of religious public discourse (local authorities, bodies, theologians, actors) that urge new and meaningful commitments to effective action.

August 30, 2021

Black Lives Matter: Structural Racism, Bigotry, and Inclusion: Post Event Summary

On Thursday, August 26th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held a fourth webinar organized by the Anti-Racism Initiative, co-sponsored by the University of Winnipeg; the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation; and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).

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August 26, 2021

Black Lives Matter: Structural Racism, Bigotry; and Inclusion

Racism, in its many expressions including multiple practices of discrimination, is globally ubiquitous and seemingly intractable. While we recognize the day-to-day impact of individual acts of racism, human rights advocacy offers a potential to engage structural and systemic racism with a view to bold action.

August 17, 2021

Gender Equality Episode 3 - Made in the Image of God: The Role of Sacred Texts in Helping or Hindering Gender Equality

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.
Prof. Dr. Azza Karam
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Ph. D.

Gender Equality Episode 3 - Made in the Image of God: The Role of Sacred Texts in Helping or Hindering Gender Equality

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August 14, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Prominent Religious Leaders and Women’s Rights Advocates Discuss Scriptures' Influence on Gender Equality

PROVO, UT, USA, August 14, 2021, The G20 Interfaith Forum, the world’s leading organization focused on the intersection of faith and policy, is gathering experts from the religious, human rights, and peace building sectors to discuss how sacred texts can both hurt and help women.

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August 1, 2021

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders: Systemic Racial Challenges: Post Event Summary

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On Thursday, July 29th, the G20 Interfaith Forum held a third webinar organized by the Anti-Racism Initiative, co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown University; the World Faiths Development Dialogue; the International Academy for Multiculteral Cooperation; and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).

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July 30, 2021

Policy, Gender, and Religion: Their Intersectionality: Summary from the G20 IFF Gender Equality Episode 2

Dimitra Missira, Key Expert of the Gender Equality Working Group for the G20 Interfaith Forum, opened the webinar by welcoming all participants and attendees and emphasizing the importance of the discussion topic, which was the intersectionality of policy, gender, and religion. “Even though the past decades have given rise to new global politics of gender equality and we have seen significant increases in women’s representation at different levels, gender divisions of power have not relented. Forty years after the adoption of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, we witness that women’s rights are being eroded…The focus of this event is on women, but more than the focus on women is the celebration of their voices and their power through a women dominated panel.”

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July 29, 2021

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders: Systemic Racial Challenges

Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer
Reverend Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai
Audrey E. Kitagawa

Indigenous Native Hawaiians and Pacific Island (NHPI) communities are faced with unique challenges. In the Pacific islands and other coastal communities, climate change threatens the land, food security, and delicate eco-systems. Systemic barriers to equity, justice, and opportunity have compromised NHPI families and communities, limiting opportunities and threatening their safety.

July 27, 2021

Gender Equality Episode 2: Intersectionality of Policy, Gender, and Religion

Gender Equality Episode 2: Intersectionality of Policy, Gender, and Religion

Press Release
July 27, 2021

Prominent Leaders Discuss Systemic Racial Challenges Facing Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum, the world’s leading organization focused on the intersection of faith and policy, is gathering experts from government and civil society to discuss systemic racial challenges faced by Native Hawaiian and Pacific Island (NHPI) communities at an upcoming webinar. Krystal Ka’ai, who leads the White House’s initiative on NHPI communities, said the issue is an especially timely and critical one.

July 1, 2021

Gender Equality Episode 1: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Ph.D.

"Covid has been a global catastrophe, wreaking havoc upon our economies, infrastructure, health, education and every thread of the tapestry of our lives. The impact upon women is especially profound as they are so frequently the caretakers, homemakers, health care workers and the ones playing such multifaceted roles in both families and communities. As we plan and implement the rebuilding of our community structures, we must do so with deep awareness of and attention to revitalizing our commitments and engagement around gender equality and ending violence against women." ~Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

June 10, 2021

G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative “Responses to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes”

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

A research report by the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University San Bernardino (4/28/21) found that hate crimes targeting Asians increased 169% (223% in New York City alone) just from the first quarter of 2021 (to the same time period in 2020), across 15 major cities. While hate crimes have increased during the pandemic and socio-political unrest of the past year, the crimes targeting Asians have seen an explosive increase, and a timely discussion is in order.

June 10, 2021

G20 IFF Responses to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Webinar (Webinar Proceedings)

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“Responses to Anti-Asian Hate Crimes” webinar hosted by G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism Initiative, co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown University; the World Faiths Development Dialogue; the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation; and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).”

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April 27, 2021

Power Dynamics In The Perpetuation of Gender Inequality

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D.

Audrey E. Kitagawa, J.D., President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation and member of the G20 Interfaith Forum Gender Equality Working Group discusses the power dynamics of relationships, which can be used negatively or positively to determine the nature of human interactions.

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