International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation - World Interfaith Harmony WeekThe Gift of "Aloha" (Love) Where East Meets West
Ben Bowler, Executive Director, Unity Earth; Azza Karam, Ph.D., Secretary-General, Religions for Peace; Audrey Kitagawa, J.D., Founder/President, IAMC; Mutombo Nkulu-N'Sengha, Ph.D., Founder/Director, Bumuntu Peace Institute; Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi, Chief Imam, Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society; Rabbi Roger Ross, Chair/CFO, New Vision Interspiritual Seminary; Sadhviji Bhagawati Saraswati, Ph.D., Secretary-General, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance; Monica Willard, United Religions Initiative Representative to the United Nations; Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Founder/Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning
Afghan Institute of Learning, Bumuntu Peace Institute, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, New Vision Interspiritual Seminary, Religions for Peace, Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society, United Religions Initiative, Unity Earth